Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Render Rocks

All of these pictures are photo manipulations I completed along with logo for my friend's band Render from York, PA. Check them out! Also hope you enjoy these manipulations. Just showing I can do more than comic book stuff of course.

Publish Post

Logo and Menu Design Logo

This top logo was for the catering company that ran the Ace of Clubs. This was the final design but was not used. The logo met the criteria, but another design (which unfortunately I can't save) was selected.

This is a logo and food menu design for a local Hotel and Restaurant. The theme was Ace of Clubs and the color scheme was supposed to be black, red, and white. The A's on the top and bottom are there so that when it is printed on a whole page (8.5 x 11) that the page would seem like a large playing card with an extravagant logo for the playing card in the middle. This playing card was used for the menu covers and the menu pages where just the logo with no type along with the A's. Both took me days to finish completely as there were a few design processes going on, along with my schooling.


Who'd think this could take forever? I thought it would go a lot faster than it did. This is taken from a picture of my girlfriend and I. I basically overlaid type over the picture. Easy as can be. That is my name and hers....obviously. I'd say it took about 8 hours. More pictures to come soon as I get more of my work back from school in the coming weeks.

Harbin Red Talberg

This is my current personal superhero; The Midnight Redeemer. He pretty much is what I draw most of the time. I used to draw him tons more, but this is technically the last real picture I ever did of him just before I was accepted into college. It took about 6 hours and knowing what I know now I would change a lot, but I cannot stomach changing anything after so long. I will one day redraw this better than it was before. He really isn't supposed to be that big (muscular). His brother Maddux should actually be in that body, because Harbin is a smaller middle aged man. I like how it came out though. So the rundown is : 6 hours, Marker, India Ink, and Colored Pencils. Enjoy!

Smile for the Camera

My personal favorite piece I have ever created. Unfortunately it conveys no depth thanks to the head on view, but this picture was drawn from life...or death rather. It was done during a class I took before attending college. This definitely isn't my best work, but it is a favorite still. It was done with vine charcoal with a pencil sketch deep underneath of that. Honestly I don't remember how long this took me but the class was 3 hours and normally I messed around for one. With that said I think this took about 2 hours. Hope you like this.